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Will There Be a Church That Matters?
Preaching Past an Ornamental Peace
5 groups of people who hunger for peace this Christmas season.
The Numbers Game
Measure the right things and know why you're doing it.
My Bitter Quesadilla
When a close friend left my church, I faced the inevitability of relational failure.
Five Prayers for Every Preacher
In the midst of the countdown to Sunday, I'm learning to bathe my sermons with these five specific prayers.
The War After the War
PTSD touches veterans and their families. How churches can help.
4 Surprising Benefits of Seminary
What I learned in a classroom that proved helpful in leading a church.
Why Preaching Alone Won't Change Your Church
Explore how preaching is the key technical skill that brings credibility for adaptive change. Preaching is not the change, but you can’t bring change without it.
Leaning In, Letting Go
Join author and writer, Steve Norman, and Joel C. Gregory, professor of preaching at George W. Truett Theological Seminary, to discuss tools for navigating transitions.
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